Our next trip is now scheduled for the first week of August of this year. We are proud to announce that in addition to medical and dental services, this trip will bring physical therapy services to the population of Santa María Cahabón.
The objectives for this campaign are as follows:
1. To offer free medical, dental, and physical therapy consultations and treatment for three consecutive days
2. To promote education through motivational talks to elementary and high school students
We are now accepting donations for this campaign through a GoFundMe account.
Our goal is $2,500. The money from these donations will be used for the following:
1. Medical and Dental supplies
2. Physical therapy equipment
3. School supplies for one school (Including notebooks, pencils, pens, colored pencils, erasers, sharpeners)
4. A cement floor for one school. There is currently just a dirt floor.
5. Supplies to install a clean water supply for one school to improve hygiene. The children at this school do not have a clean water supply to wash their hands. Going home to wash their hands means climbing down a steep mountain and walking for 2-4 hours.
6. Supplies to restore two bathroom units for one school
7. Restoring supplies for 20 desks for one school
Our trip in December provided incredible insight into the needs of this community. Malnutrition, urinary tract infections, and parasites are commonplace. We thus hope that by providing these services and emphasizing preventative education we can improve the health of the community, and contribute to the productivity and prosperity of the community.
Special thanks go out to the students from the Universidad de San Carlos de Guatemala, the San Egidio and Asopuente Associations, ULTRADENT Guatemala, the physical therapy Doctors and volunteers, and the Mayor of Cahabón, without whom the planning and execution of this non-profit trip would not be possible.
We can hardly wait for August!!